Recent improvements include the installation of new furnaces and state of the art machines in our laboratory in its evaluation unit to enhance its capability to accept gold doré. A custom made glass-lined reactor has been installed in the refinery which allows it to continuously extract concentrates from the gold refining process.
The refinery, which provides a same day refining service, employs the widely used Miller Chlorination Process to upgrade the gold bullion it receives from mines to at least 99.50% fine gold, the minimum standard required for gold sold on the world bullion markets. To further refine gold to 99.99% the cost-effective once-through electrolytic refining process is used.

The smelting operation is overseen by employees with requisite skills and material is processed in an upgraded, well ventilated arc furnace that complies to statutory requirements. The smelter uses a pyro-metallurgical process to concentrate low grade materials into a semi concentrated product that is further purified into pure elements at the main refinery. The smelter is also introducing different pre-concentration circuits that would enable sections to treat diverse materials and offer competitive prices to customers. This enables us to proudly add maximum value to every ounce delivered.

Any Gold that comes into our premises should first be Smelted and Assayed. Once this is done, if it is the responsibility of the company to export. The company takes charge of the product until it is exported to the final destination. We also run only smelting and assaying services on behalf of our clients in which case we are no longer responsible for the safety of the Gold when it left the premises of Gold Key Refinery. We now have metal account services for clients. We will provide the above services for and on behalf of our clients once they are able to source for the gold themselves.